the band
Daniel Manhart
Michael Sele
Voc, Guitar, Piano
Andi Zuber
Mac Vinzens
Voc, Guitar, Piano
«15 Jahre Hymnen an die Melancholie» |
Treue Fans, Konzerte in aller Welt, Chartplatzierungen, Titelgeschichten in Musikmagazinen: Der charismatische Songschreiber, Sänger, Gitarrist und Produzent Michael Sele hat mit seiner Band THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA viel erreicht.
Michael Sele schreibt träumerisch-düstere Texte und Musik, die einen in luftige Höhen genauso wie in abgründige Tiefen entführen können. Dabei begleitet die Hörerschaft stets seine samtweiche und geradezu tröstende Stimme, welche auch durch die beiden letzten Studioalben «Flying With The Owl» und «Skeleton Dreams» geleitet. Alben voller Nachdenklichkeit und unendlicher Schönheit.
«15 years of hymns to melancholy» |
Loyal fans, concerts all over the world, chart placements, cover stories in music magazines: Charismatic songwriter, singer, guitarist and producer Michael Sele has achieved a lot with his band THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA.
Over the years, a distinctive and fascinating mixture of melancholic wave, warm blues and earthy folk has emerged, rather dark, also yearning but full of confidence, never dreary or resigned. |
Michael Sele writes dreamy-dark lyrics and music that can take you to lofty heights as well as to abysmal depths. The listener is always accompanied by his velvety and almost comforting voice, which also leads through the last two studio albums "Flying With The Owl" and "Skeleton Dreams". Albums full of thoughtfulness and infinite beauty.